Long Distance Friendship Poems

Long Distance Friendship Poems

Long Distance Friendship Poems


I lost it down a waterfall.
It was only a phone,
but I found myself bawling
like a spoiled toddler as l
watched it rapidly plummet
towards its watery grave.

He titled his piece
“Looking for Kelly”
and it was only
then that I realized
why I cried.

That tiny 4.9-ounce device
was the lifeline to the most
intimate human connection
I had ever known.


Long Distance

Your bed’s got two wrong sides. Your life’s all grouse.
| let your phone-call take its dismal course:

Ah can’t stand it no more, this empty house!

Carrots choke us without your mam’’s the white sauce!

Them sweets you brought me, you can have ‘em back.

I’m diabetic now. Got all the facts.
(Diabetes comes hard on the track
of two coronaries and cataracts.)

I’ve all liked things sweet! But now ah push
food down my throat! Ah, ‘d sooner do without.
And only reason now for beer‘s to flush
(so t dietician said) my kidneys out.

When | come round, they’ll be laid out, the sweets,
Lifesavers, my father’s New World treats,
still in the big brown bag, and only bought
rushing through JFK as a last thought.

Poetry Greeting Cards - Love Poem - Long Distance Love

Tony Harrison

Distant Poems

Forgive Me, My Friend

Forgive me, my friend,
If I ever ask about it,
The long distance and parting,
And you rarely contacting,
Sometimes force me to doubt it.

I always want to explain,
The reason why I’m in this pain,
But never speak it out to you,
You’d think that I do not trust you.

Our few memories haunt my heart,
I can’t stop them once they start.
And it hurts me very much,
Because we are so far apart.

And yet I’m equally assured,
That I’ll always be sincere,
And if you ever needed me,
Be sure that I’ll be standing near.

To me, your friendship is a gift,
In finding you, I know I’m blessed,
For that, you are my special friend,
I promise you this till the end.

Source: https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/forgive-me-my-friend

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Deep Love Poems

33 Long Distance Poems - Love Poems for Long Distance Relationships

My Dearest Love

I see you in my thoughts and dreams,
When I awake, how real it seems.
You aren’t here to comfort me,
But soon I hope you will be.
No one truly knows or understands;
You have my heart in your hands.
My love is what you truly own.
Come soon and make our house a home.

Inside those walls you are doing your time,
Not being here with me is your only true crime.
Others in your life will come and go,
But my love is true, and i’m sure you know.

I may not be rich or the prettiest one,
But I love you so much; you are my sun.
You light up my life every time you call.
When the time is up, I begin to fall.
You are my stars, you are my moon,
Being with you will come very soon.
So when you sleep, take this to heart,
No one or nothing will keep us apart.

– Sherri Brown

Long Distance Friendship Quotes | Text & Image Quotes | QuoteReel

Every Moment

As each star comes out to shine
As the wind rustles across the land
As the moonlight sweeps across the room
I’m thinking of you.

When the sun burns its morning greeting
When the birds chirp and swoop through the sky
When the leaves of the trees dance through the air
I’m thinking of you.

During the haze of late afternoon sun
During the smooth swirl and flow of the clouds across the sky
During the fade of the bustling day
I’m thinking of you.

While the twilight shadows begin to fall
While the evening air begins to chill
While the crickets begin their sweet evening chorus
I’m thinking of you.

Just as the darkest hour of the night falls
Just as the world is hushed and silent
Just as dreamland beckons,
I’m thinking of you

Every day
Every hour
Every moment
I’m thinking of you through the miles
and loving you.

– Unknown

Quotes about Long distance friendship (19 quotes)

Each And Every Moment

For each and every moment
Every second I exist
I live and breathe for you
Your love I can’t resist
To live and love this lifetime
You are in my daily prayer
For times when you’re not with me
When I close my eyes you’re there
For every dance together
For every star above
The light that burns within us
The passion of your love
With dreams so never-ending
For every sparkling sea
For each sunrise and sunset
I feel your love in me
For every breath worth taking
More than the air I breathe
The love that lives within me
Forever I believe
For each and every moment
And every heartfelt kiss
I am always thinking of you
And of the things, I’d miss
For every hug that we have shared
And every soft embrace
For every smile turned to laughter
No other could take your place
For each and every moment
This heart is so warm and pure
Gently caresses each heartbeat
And I could not ask for more

– William Lindenmuth

 Long Distance Love

When it hurts so bad,
why does it feel so good?
I wish this all made sense,
I wish I understood.
Not having you here with me is tearing me up inside,
but I can’t stop thinking about you no matter how hard I try.

You know how I feel about you,
and I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you,
but it’s so hard to do when I can’t even be next to you.
Why does it gotta be so complicated?

Loving you feels so right,
but at the same time,
knowing I can’t have you keeps me awake at night.
I just want this to be simple,
I just want you here with me,
to look into your eyes,
be held in your arms…then I’d truly be happy.

Right now this distance between us is out of our control,
but I’m still hoping one day soon,
I’ll get what I’m wishing for.

– Panda

When I’m With You

In your arms,
I’m in my safe haven.
With you holding me tight,
I have no other craving.

All I need
is that one look
that says you’re always there,
just like in a fairy tale book.

Your eyes talk to me
as the world stands still.
My once empty heart
now with love does fill.

Your eyes tell me
that you’ll love me every day.
No matter what may come,
you’ll be there to stay.

I tell you everything
and never with a lie:
all my worldly secrets
and everything that once made me cry.

Everything in my past,
with you I can forget it all.
I know I can trust you
to catch me if I fall.

If only I could explain
how much love I have for you.
Then maybe, just maybe,
you’d feel it too.

– Blakelee

 My Only Love

Since the first day we met,
I knew you were the one.
God answered my prayers;
You came down from above.

You gave me your heart,
You gave me your trust.
From that very moment,
It was more than just lust.

Your sweet, loving words
Can never be compared.
I am your forever partner;
My soul I have bared.

Never put into question
Any of my feelings being true.
I have found my one and only.
Baby, that is YOU!

– Sheri Medina

120 Friendship Quotes Your Best Friend Will Love

Thinking About You

When I ate today at noon
All I could think about was you
Wishing you were here to do what you do
Wishing I could feed you with my spoon
Hoping someday I’ll see your smile again

I don’t know if I can take all this pain
Knowing that I am here and you are there
Thinking about the times we had and will not have

You are the best there ever was and will be
There is nothing to explain to you, but lovely
Even when I was sad you made me happy

I just don’t know what to do
I just hope one day, I get to see you

– Gary R. Hess

Long Distance Friendship Quotes – 24 Lovely Collections | Design Press

My One, My Only, My Everything

For so long, I wished for the day.
The day that our love would find its way.
From my heart and into your soul,
The feeling was so strong, I had no control.

When then that day came, when I found you again,
I vowed never to make the same mistake.
I knew I would never let you go,
For my life is now complete in a way I cannot show.

For eternity I will spend making you believe,
You are the sole reason that I breathe.
My life is yours, my hopes and desires too.
Until my dying day, my heart is reserved just for you.

You are everything I could ever need and more,
More than I deserve or would dare wish for.
You are my baby, my angel, my dream girl
I’m thankful every day that you are my whole world.

For the time I spend with you, my heart truly sings
My one, My only, My EVERYTHING.

– D Lancaster

hazelcampbellbooks: My Friendship Poem | Friendship poems, Best friendship quotes, Friendship

Scared of Not Missing You

I’m scared of not missing you anymore, I’m scared to live that day.
I’m scared my mind will erase the memory of the day you went away.
I put a lot of trust in you, you said that you were different.
Your intellect was beyond the hood, but I guess not far enough to miss it.

I guess I should’ve told you that I’m really sensitive, though I try to act like I don’t mind, that night I still relive.
I’m ashamed because I know I love you way more than you like me,
and that I cry for you when you’re not here so much that I can’t see.

This headache just won’t go away its been here since you left.
Though loud yet meek, though screaming yet bleak, this loss truly feels like death.
I pray you don’t feel these words are a stretch because we’ve shared limited time,
or that I’m completely insane for tatting your name, assuring I’ve lost my mind.

Well, the truth is that you are for me, and I’ve known it since we met.
Yeah, we fought, loved, broken up, but there’s something you just have to get.
I don’t want anyone else baby doll, I don’t want another man.
I’ll build you up and give you my heart to cradle in your hand.

I admit I am attached baby, and dangerously its true.
That I want to offer my body and soul as a sacrifice to you.
I pray you never leave my side though physical I can take,
but mentally please stay awhile and never leave this place.

365 days is the longest fight I feel I’ve already been beat.
That waiting is indeed the hardest game and I’ve just succumbed to defeat.
Terell aka my babe that definitely is what you are.
Though unspoken yet chanted, and rough yet romantic, this love was written in the stars.

I don’t know what you feel inside, or if this load you can carry.
If once you’re out you’ll go buck wild or settle down and marry.
I feel we’ll be getting to know each other more so here than before,
so open and let me in because it’s you that I adore.

The fate of this relationship is exclusively up to you, ill be holding down my end until my biggest dream comes true-
I love you!

– Jay Jones

Wintery Night


Miles Between Us


Three Questions



Refused To Subside


Its Not Fair






Years From Now



Every Evening



No One Can Understand


At Night



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