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500 Positivity Boosting Compliments
It’s a lovely feeling to get complimented on your appearance. In a study, researchers discovered that receiving an honest compliment has the same pleasurable effect on us as receiving money in our bank account. Receiving compliments has also been demonstrated to have a positive impact on one’s health and well-being.
When it comes to spreading happiness and improving your own level of happiness, compliments are truly one of the most straightforward two-way roadways that can be found on the market. The greater the number of compliments you receive, the more content you will be. Please feel free to experiment with any of the one hundred ready-made compliments provided below.
A Miscellaneous list of 500 Compliments
Compliments have tremendous power, and they are one of the most underappreciated acts of kindness that anyone can perform. This is one of the most effective methods to show kindness.
In addition to making someone’s day at work better, a genuine comment may also make a youngster smile after they have been bullied, or even give someone the self-assurance they require to get through a difficult period. They are easy to use and completely free. Moreover, research indicates that receiving a compliment has the same favourable impacts as receiving money from a third party.
A list of compliments that will make someone smile.
- You’re that “Nothing” when people ask me what I’m thinking about.
- You look great today.
- You’re a smart cookie.
- I bet you make babies smile.
- You have impeccable manners.
- I like your style.
- You have the best laugh.
- I appreciate you.
- You are the most perfect you there is.
- Our system of inside jokes is so advanced that only you and I get it. And I like that.
- You’re strong.
- Your perspective is refreshing.
- You’re an awesome friend.
- You light up the room.
- You deserve a hug right now.
- You should be proud of yourself.
- You’re more helpful than you realize.
- You have a great sense of humor.
- You’ve got all the right moves!
- Is that your picture next to “charming” in the dictionary?
- Your kindness is a balm to all who encounter it.
- You’re all that and a super-size bag of chips.
- On a scale from 1 to 10, you’re an 11.
- You are brave.
- You’re even more beautiful on the inside than you are on the outside.
- You have the courage of your convictions.
- Aside from food. You’re my favorite.
- If cartoon bluebirds were real, a bunch of them would be sitting on your shoulders singing right now.
- You are making a difference.
- You’re like sunshine on a rainy day.
- You bring out the best in other people.
- Your ability to recall random factoids at just the right time is impressive.
- You’re a great listener.
- How is it that you always look great, even in sweatpants?
- Everything would be better if more people were like you!
- I bet you sweat glitter.
- You were cool way before hipsters were cool.
- That color is perfect on you.
- Hanging out with you is always a blast.
- You always know — and say — exactly what I need to hear when I need to hear it.
- You smell really good.
- You may dance like no one’s watching, but everyone’s watching because you’re an amazing dancer!
- Being around you makes everything better!
- When you say, “I meant to do that,” I totally believe you.
- When you’re not afraid to be yourself is when you’re most incredible.
- Colors seem brighter when you’re around.
- You’re more fun than a ball pit filled with candy. (And seriously, what could be more fun than that?)
- That thing you don’t like about yourself is what makes you so interesting.
- You’re wonderful.
- Everyday is just BLAH when I don’t see you For reals! (awesome – you are halfway through the list. You’re awesome!)
- Jokes are funnier when you tell them.
- You’re better than a triple-scoop ice cream cone. With sprinkles.
- Your bellybutton is kind of adorable.
- Your hair looks stunning.
- You’re one of a kind!
- You’re inspiring.
- If you were a box of crayons, you’d be the giant name-brand one with the built-in sharpener.
- You should be thanked more often. So thank you!!
- Our community is better because you’re in it.
- Someone is getting through something hard right now because you’ve got their back.
- You have the best ideas.
- You always know how to find that silver lining.
- Everyone gets knocked down sometimes, but you always get back up and keep going.
- You’re a candle in the darkness.
- You’re a great example to others.
- Being around you is like being on a happy little vacation.
- You always know just what to say.
- You’re always learning new things and trying to better yourself, which is awesome.
- If someone based an Internet meme on you, it would have impeccable grammar.
- You could survive a Zombie apocalypse.
- You’re more fun than bubble wrap.
- When you make a mistake, you fix it.
- Who raised you? They deserve a medal for a job well done.
- You’re great at figuring stuff out.
- Your voice is magnificent.
- The people you love are lucky to have you in their lives.
- You’re like a breath of fresh air.
- You’re gorgeous — and that’s the least interesting thing about you, too.
- You’re so thoughtful.
- Your creative potential seems limitless.
- You’re the coolest person I know. And I consider myself bet friends with like all celebrities, so. . . .
- You’re irresistible when you blush.
- Actions speak louder than words, and yours tell an incredible story.
- Somehow you make time stop and fly at the same time.
- When you make up your mind about something, nothing stands in your way.
- You seem to really know who you are.
- Any team would be lucky to have you on it.
- In high school I bet you were voted “most likely to keep being awesome.”
- I bet you do the crossword puzzle in ink.
- Babies and small animals probably love you.
- If you were a scented candle they’d call it Perfectly Imperfect (and it would smell like summer).
- There’s ordinary, and then there’s you.
- You’re someone’s reason to smile.
- You’re even better than a unicorn, because you’re real.
- How do you keep being so funny and making everyone laugh?
- You have a good head on your shoulders.
- Has anyone ever told you that you have great posture?
- The way you treasure your loved ones is incredible.
- You’re really something special.
- You’re a gift to those around you.
Compliments on Specific Projects
- I’m so impressed with how you handled that meeting today. I always admire how you present your work.
- Hey! Your latest work on X is incredible. I can tell how hard you’ve worked in it — it shows.
- I just wanted to say that I see how hard you’ve been working on X. I admire how dedicated you are to the work you do.
- I loved what you had to say today about X, and I’d like to learn more about it. Would love to grab a coffee and hear more, if you’re open to it!
- Way to go on that project! We were all blown away. (Sometimes, short and sweet is awesome.)
- I can’t get over how great your presentation was. I might need to pick your brain the next time I have to give one!
- Never thought about X that way before. You made me see it differently. I love that!
When They’re Having a Bad Day
- Hey, that was kind of a tough crowd today. I’m impressed with how you handled everything.
- I just remembered that X project you did last month — remember how well it went over? We should talk about working on something like that again. I’m ready for another big win!
- I just want to say that I admire all the work you’re doing.
- Thank you again for helping me with the X project! I literally couldn’t have done it without you.
- Hey, I know work’s been crazy lately, and I just want to say that everything you do is incredible. Can I help lighten the load in any way?
- How do you always look so put together even on crazy weeks like this? It’s so impressive.
- Thank you again for [Insert anything here. That’s the beauty of it.]. I know I don’t say that enough.
Compliments for a Big Win
- Congrats on the promotion. No one deserves this more.
- You killed it in there! It energized me to get started on X.
- I’m amazed by how well you do this job. It’s so inspiring.
- You inspire me to do better work. (Inspire is always a good work compliment word.)
- I seriously can’t wait to see what you do next.
- I’m taking notes from the way you work. I want my work to be that good.
Compliments on Their Skills
- You are such an incredible problem-solver.
- I’m so impressed by how you communicate. It makes everything easier.
- I don’t know what we would do with you and your ideas.
- Thank you so much for helping me on X. I’m not the best at [insert a skill here that’s one of their strong suits], so you were a lifesaver.
- You’ve got such an amazing work ethic.
- Your skills made this project come together.
- You bring so much to this team, especially with presentations. (You can use any specific element or skill the person tends to add to the project.)
- You ask such insightful questions.
Compliments for Your Boss
- Thank you for taking the time to work with me on this. It helped me get so much more out of this project.
- I appreciate you trusting me with added responsibility. It means a lot.
- I know you juggle a lot as our manager, so I just want to say that I’m so impressed by the great work you get done.
- I’ve learned so much from you.
Other Miscellaneous Compliments That would Come Handy
- Having you on the team makes a huge difference
- I enjoy working with you.
- Thank you for setting a great example for your coworkers.
- I was blown away by your contributions this week.
- I just wanted to let you know how much you mean to the team.
- You play a crucial role in our company’s success.
- It’s honestly hard to explain how integral you are to this team.
- I can’t believe how lucky I am to have a great colleague like you.
- You’re good at cheering everybody up!
- You come up with fantastic ideas!
- Not everyone is as creative as you — I mean it!
- You have an extremely healthy perspective.
- You’re a savvy problem-solver.
- We enjoyed your contribution during the presentation.
- You’re a great communicator.
- I appreciate your trust.
- Your positive attitude is infectious.
- I appreciate you taking responsibility.
- I appreciate how tech-savvy you are.
- It’s surprising how well you perform, even under pressure.
- You bring a lot of positivity to our work.
- Your work is unparalleled.
- We can’t let you leave us.
- You never shy away from responsibility, and we love that about you.
- It’s amazing how you’re always able to overcome any obstacle thrown your way.
Complimenting Positivity
These compliments focus on the joy, fun, and positive outlook the person brings.
- Your smile is contagious.
- I bet you make babies smile.
- You have the best laugh.
- You light up the room.
- You have a great sense of humor.
- If cartoon bluebirds were real, a couple of ’em would be sitting on your shoulders singing right now.
- You’re like sunshine on a rainy day.
- You bring out the best in other people.
- I bet you sweat glitter.
- Colors seem brighter when you’re around.
- You’re more fun than a ball pit filled with candy.
- Jokes are funnier when you tell them.
- You always know how to find that silver lining.
- You’re a candle in the darkness.
- Being around you is like a happy little vacation.
- You’re more fun than bubble wrap.
- You’re like a breath of fresh air.
- You’re someone’s reason to smile.
- How do you keep being so funny and making everyone laugh?
Complimenting Personal Traits
These compliments acknowledge different qualities the person exhibits.
- You have impeccable manners.
- I like your style.
- You’re strong.
- Is that your picture next to “charming” in the dictionary?
- Your kindness is a balm to all who encounter it.
- You are brave.
- You are beautiful on the inside and outside.
- You have the courage of your convictions.
- You’re a great listener.
- You were cool way before hipsters were cool.
- That thing you don’t like about yourself is what makes you really interesting.
- You’re inspiring.
- You’re so thoughtful.
- When you make up your mind, nothing stands in your way.
- You seem to really know who you are.
Complimenting Intelligence, Creativity, and Resourcefulness
These compliments show that you appreciate the person’s abilities.
- You’re a smart cookie.
- Your perspective is refreshing.
- Your ability to recall random factoids at just the right times is impressive.
- When you say, “I meant to do that,” I totally believe you.
- You have the best ideas.
- You’re always learning new things and trying to better yourself. That’s awesome.
- If someone based an Internet meme on you, it would have impeccable grammar.
- You could survive a zombie apocalypse.
- When you make a mistake, you fix it.
- You’re great at figuring stuff out.
- Your creative potential seems limitless.
- I bet you do crossword puzzles in ink.
- You have a good head on your shoulders.
- Everyone gets knocked down sometimes; only people like you get back up again and keep going.
Complimenting Accomplishments
It is often good to compliment a specific action or achievement.
- I am so proud of you, and I hope you are too!
- You are making a difference.
- You deserve a hug right now.
- You’re a great example to others.
- Actions speak louder than words, and yours tell an incredible story.
Complimenting Personal Relationships
These compliments focus on how the person relates to others.
- You’re an awesome friend.
- You’re more helpful than you realize.
- Hanging out with you is always fun.
- The way you always know when someone needs something is amazing.
- Being around you makes everything better.
- You should be thanked more often. Thank you.
- Our community is better because you’re in it.
- Someone is getting through something hard right now because you’ve got their back. Nice work.
- You always know just what to say.
- The people you love are lucky to have you in their lives.
- Any team would be lucky to have you on it.
- Defenseless animals are drawn to you.
- The way you treasure your loved ones is incredible.
- You’re a gift to those around you.
Complimenting Appearance
These compliments can be problematic as complimenting appearance can come across as flirting, and so they should be avoided in many business and social contexts. Complimenting one’s appearance (body, shape, or weight) can also be harmful, especially to someone who is struggling with an eating disorder or body image issue.
- You are glowing —and that’s the least interesting thing about you, too.
- You look great today.
- Your eyes are breathtaking.
- How is it that you always look so great, even if you’re in ratty pajamas?
- That color is perfect on you.
- You smell really good.
- You may dance like no one’s watching, but everyone’s watching because you’re mesmerizing.
- You have cute elbows. For real.
- Your bellybutton is kind of adorable.
- Your hair looks stunning.
- Your voice is magnificent.
- Your name suits you to a T.
- You’re irresistible when you blush.
- Has anyone ever told you that you have great posture?
Complimenting the Whole Person
These compliments may be a little too general. As with complimenting appearance, consider whether they are appropriate or may be bordering on being flirtatious.
- I appreciate you.
- You are perfect just the way you are.
- You are enough.
- You’re all that and a super-size bag of chips.
- On a scale from 1 to 10, you’re an 11.
- You’ve got all the right moves.
- Everything would be better if more people were like you.
- You are an incredible human.
- You’re wonderful.
- You’re better than a triple-scoop ice cream cone. With sprinkles.
- You’re one of a kind.
- If you were a box of crayons, you’d be the big industrial name-brand one with a built-in sharpener.
- Who raised you? They deserve a medal for a job well done.
- Somehow you make time stop and fly all at the same time.
- In high school, I bet you were voted “most likely to continue being awesome.”
- If you were a scented candle they’d have to call it Perfectly Imperfect (and it would smell like summer).
- There’s ordinary, and then there’s you.
- You’re even better than a unicorn because you’re real.
- You’re really something special.
For friends
- Your perspective on life makes me want to live more thoughtfully.
- You deliver jokes so well—I love how you hit the perfect tone and expression every time.
- I admire your determination when you strongly believe in something.
For significant others
- I feel heard and seen when we have difficult conversations
- I appreciate your patience with helping my dad troubleshoot his phone during the holiday party.
- I love your reassurance when things don’t go as planned. It helps me feel less stressed and confident that we can figure it out together.
- I feel safe being vulnerable with you.
For family members
- I learned how to be a good person by watching how you treat others.
- Your warm energy brings this family together.
- I appreciate that you’re tactful when I need to hear hard truths.”
For kids
- I notice how hard you’re trying!.
- Your creative ideas put a smile on my face.
- You’re so thoughtful for sharing your toys with your sibling. I love your generosity.
- I hadn’t thought of it that way. You’ve given me something new to think about today.
For colleagues
- I really admired how you handled that difficult situation. You were so poised and level-headed.
- I appreciate that you step up for the team without being asked. You’ve personally saved me a lot of anxiety when _______.”
- I enjoy hearing your comments and questions at meetings. It really pushes us to think deeper about the project.
For strangers
- How you styled _____ with _____ is so fresh. You’re radiating confidence!
- Your laugh is infectious. It made me instantly smile.
- You have great taste in ______.
- You’re an awesome friend.
- You’re a gift to those around you.
- You’re a smart cookie.
- You are awesome!
- You have impeccable manners.
- I like your style.
- You have the best laugh.
- I appreciate you.
- You are the most perfect you there is.
- You are enough.
- You’re strong.
- Your perspective is refreshing.
- I’m grateful to know you.
- You light up the room.
- You deserve a hug right now.
- You should be proud of yourself.
- You’re more helpful than you realize.
- You have a great sense of humor.
- You’ve got an awesome sense of humor!
- You are really courageous.
- Your kindness is a balm to all who encounter it.
- You’re all that and a super-size bag of chips.
- On a scale from 1 to 10, you’re an 11.
- You are strong.
- You’re even more beautiful on the inside than you are on the outside.
- You have the courage of your convictions.
- I’m inspired by you.
- You’re like a ray of sunshine on a really dreary day.
- You are making a difference.
- Thank you for being there for me.
- You bring out the best in other people.
- Your ability to recall random factoids at just the right time is impressive.
- You’re a great listener.
- How is it that you always look great, even in sweatpants?
- Everything would be better if more people were like you!
- I bet you sweat glitter.
- You were cool way before hipsters were cool.
- That color is perfect on you.
- Hanging out with you is always a blast.
- You always know — and say — exactly what I need to hear when I need to hear it.
- You help me feel more joy in life.
- You may dance like no one’s watching, but everyone’s watching because you’re an amazing dancer!
- Being around you makes everything better!
- When you say, “I meant to do that,” I totally believe you.
- When you’re not afraid to be yourself is when you’re most incredible.
- Colors seem brighter when you’re around.
- You’re more fun than a ball pit filled with candy. (And seriously, what could be more fun than that?)
- That thing you don’t like about yourself is what makes you so interesting.
- You’re wonderful.
- You have cute elbows. For reals!
- Jokes are funnier when you tell them.
- You’re better than a triple-scoop ice cream cone. With sprinkles.
- When I’m down you always say something encouraging to help me feel better.
- You are really kind to people around you.
- You’re one of a kind!
- You help me be the best version of myself.
- If you were a box of crayons, you’d be the giant name-brand one with the built-in sharpener.
- You should be thanked more often. So thank you!!
- Our community is better because you’re in it.
- Someone is getting through something hard right now because you’ve got their back.
- You have the best ideas.
- You always find something special in the most ordinary things.
- Everyone gets knocked down sometimes, but you always get back up and keep going.
- You’re a candle in the darkness.
- You’re a great example to others.
- Being around you is like being on a happy little vacation.
- You always know just what to say.
- You’re always learning new things and trying to better yourself, which is awesome.
- If someone based an Internet meme on you, it would have impeccable grammar.
- You could survive a Zombie apocalypse.
- You’re more fun than bubble wrap.
- When you make a mistake, you try to fix it.
- Who raised you? They deserve a medal for a job well done.
- You’re great at figuring stuff out.
- Your voice is magnificent.
- The people you love are lucky to have you in their lives.
- You’re like a breath of fresh air.
- You make my insides jump around in the best way.
- You’re so thoughtful.
- Your creative potential seems limitless.
- Your name suits you to a T.
- Your quirks are so you — and I love that.
- When you say you will do something, I trust you.
- Somehow you make time stop and fly at the same time.
- When you make up your mind about something, nothing stands in your way.
- You seem to really know who you are.
- Any team would be lucky to have you on it.
- In high school I bet you were voted “most likely to keep being awesome.”
- I bet you do the crossword puzzle in ink.
- Babies and small animals probably love you.
- If you were a scented candle they’d call it Perfectly Imperfect (and it would smell like summer).
- There’s ordinary, and then there’s you.
- You’re someone’s reason to smile.
- You’re even better than a unicorn, because you’re real.
- How do you keep being so funny and making everyone laugh?
- You have a good head on your shoulders.
- Has anyone ever told you that you have great posture?
- The way you treasure your loved ones is incredible.
- You’re really something special.
- Thank you for being you.
Kindness is contagious, according to research: when you compliment someone, they are more inclined to compliment someone else. So start a compliment chain and feel great about spreading happiness!

Hi, I’m Tammy! Here I share some lovely and self-written Birthday Wishes & Quotes for you. Please do Share this webpage together with your family and friends.
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